Jesus Loves the Little Children

In light of preparing for a new Good News Club to begin in a neighborhood school, a Children’s Ministry Worker’s Training this Sunday, and our High Schoolers recently praying for the unborn and their mothers in front of Planned Parenthood–I wanted to repost this. What does God really think of children? We only need to look to Jesus…

He Must Become Greater

The recent 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, bringing with it the realization that over 50 million children have been aborted in America since 1973, has made me consider again how God views children.  Why did I tell the Children’s Ministry volunteers at our church recently that if they are involved in Family Ministry, they are involved in a ministry that is close to the heart of God?  How do you think about your own children?  Is it true that God has a soft spot of affection for little children?

I could give you verse after verse right now that affirms this truth.  Every verse about little children in the Bible is positive.  But to see what God thinks about children, we simply need to look to Jesus who is God incarnate.picture 14

I used to wonder if the paintings that we often see of Jesus holding children on his lap were true.  Does it…

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